The Quest for Glocalising Drama Education: A Case Study of Training Hong Kong Early Childhood Teachers/Po-Chi Tam
The Quest for Glocalising Drama Education: A Case Study of Training Hong Kong Early Childhood Teachers/Po-Chi Tam
Ko Ko,一場穿越美術館的探索之旅:解讀兒童藝術教育展之內涵與意義/蘇芳瑩、潘英海
Ko Ko, an Adventure Through Art Museum: Interpreting the Educational Activities in Art Museum/Fang-Ying Su and Ing-Hai Pan
A Study from the Perspective of Sociology of Art on Core Concepts and Practical Strategies of Civilian Art: Taking Liu Hsiu-Mei as an Example/Min-Hsiung Hsu
The Use of a Diagnostic Profile in Assessing the Art Understandings of Taiwanese ESL Students/Martin Forker