No.31 藝術教育研究

藝術教育研究期刊第 31 期封面

《藝術教育研究》 第31期


Generational Differences in Preference and Judgement Factors to the Styles of Popular Illustrations
/ Yen-Ching Lin

中英文摘要  summary


Applying Parent-Child Music Activities to Elicit Initiating Joint Attention in a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder/ Fang-Yu Liu, Shu-Yu Chen, and Tsung-Ren Yang

中英文摘要  summary


The Process of Performing Arts Teachers’ Knowledge Transformation in an In-Service Training Course/ Mei-Chun Lin

中英文摘要  summary

An Analysis of Writing Thesis in Studio Art: From the Perspective of Practice-Led Research
/ Chi-Chang Lu

中英文摘要 summary

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