No.41 藝術教育研究

Periodical Cover 041


以藝術治療生涯探索工作坊進行視覺藝術科系高年級生的生涯阻礙因素之初探研究 / 江學瀅

A Pilot Study on Factors Affecting Career Barriers of Senior Students of the Fine Arts Department in the Art Therapy Workshops / Shyue-Ying Chiang

中英文摘要  Summary

「自由舞動的身體」:臺灣當代舞者的人類學研究 / 趙綺芳

"The Freely Moving Body": An Anthropological Study on Contemporary Dancers in Taiwan / Chi-Fang Chao

中英文摘要  Summary

大學藝術類數位影像創作課程學習者創意自我效能構念分析之探究 / 劉光夏

Analysis of Creative Self-Efficacy Constructs With Art Major College Students Enrolled in the Digital Image Creation Course / Kuang-Hsia Liu

中英文摘要  Summary

北美三大音樂教育哲學觀於臺灣國中小音樂教育之適用性 / 紀雅真、林小玉

Applicability of North America’s Three Major Philosophy of Music Education to Taiwan’s Elementary and Junior High School Music Education / Ya-Chen Chi and Sheau-Yuh Lin

中英文摘要  Summary

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