2007/05 No.13

藝術教育研究期刊第 13 期封面

《藝術教育研究》 第13期

Changes in Self-Reported Motivation and Attitudes of Secondary Students Following Music Compositional Activities/Bo-Wah Leung

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The Style of an Epoch in Children’s Picture Book Illustration: The Aesthetic Preference and Phenomena of Private Sectors Publication, 1987-2003/Bin I、Hui-Ya Lin

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Introspection of the Community Aesthetics and Cultural Construction: A Case Study of the Narrative, Interpretation, and Meaning of the Visual Culture of Shanghai Street in Hong Kong/Ming-Hoi Lai、Chung-Yim Lau

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Implications of Critical and Contextual Studies in Art Teacher Education: Critical Reflection on a Cross-Cultural Study in Englandand an Action Research in Taiwan/Mei-Lan Lo

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