強調寫生與自由聯想之教學策略應用於全盲青少年圖像創造力之養成 / 伊彬、洪子庭
Teaching Strategies Emphasizing Sketching and Free Association: An Application on Fostering Pictorial Creativity for Totally Blind Adolescents / Bin I and Tzu-Ting Hung
艋舺社區博物館之遊客參訪經驗研究 / 徐敏雄
A Study of Visit Experiences of Tourists in the Monga Community Museum / Min-Hsiung Hsu
視覺藝術精進專業者的職業生涯發展之因素探究 / 江學瀅
Research of Factors Affecting the Career Developments of Advanced Visual Arts Professionals / Shyue-Ying Chiang