
藝術教育研究期刊第 26 期封面

《藝術教育研究》 第26期

A Case Study on Teaching Art and Design Practice-Led Research in University: Integrating Creation with Theory and Writing /Wen-Ling Ho,Chang-Franw Lee, andChung-Hong Chen

中英文摘要   summary

A Re-exploration of the Music Education Philosophies Proposed by Reimer and Elliott: The Perspectives of Critical Pedagogy /Yu-Chen Ho

中英文摘要   summary

A Comparison of the Effect of Art Education on Student’s Environmental Behavior in College of Arts between Taiwan and French/Sy-Yi Tzeng, Feng-Nien Han, and How-Gao Hsu

中英文摘要   summary

The Effect of Participating in a Wind Ensemble on the Academic Achievement of Fifth and Sixth Grade Students/Yan-Heng Shi andShu-Yu Chen

中英文摘要   summary

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