2004/05 No.7

藝術教育研究期刊第 7 期封面

《藝術教育研究》 第7期

2004.05 出刊

Family Photography and the Art Class/Paul Duncum
家庭攝影與藝術課程/保羅 鄧肯

中英文摘要  全文下載

The Changing and Its Meanings of Illustration Styles of Children’s Picture Books Published by Taiwan Government (1965 -1999) and Hsin-Yi Foundation (1979-2001)/Bin I、 Yi-Ping Teng、Yung-Hong Huang

 中英文摘要  全文下載

Popular Culture as the Subject in Art Education—Discussion from the Perspective of Global Visual Culture/Tun-Ju, Liao

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A Study on the Creative Concept of Pop Art Applied in the Senior High School Art Teaching/Yu-Wen Su

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